Charity begins at Home! All it takes is you and your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Did you know you have new SUPER POWERS? If you use the internet, a simple click can change lives for the better. Through the powers of social media and crowdfunding, you can help raise funds and promote awareness for the Cat Beach Cats and any cause you care about.
Register to become a Virtual Volunteer for Cat Beach Sanctuary!
When you register, you will receive an invitation to the VV chat group, have access to instructional videos and slideshows, and personal support for your efforts.
In the 2020s, everyone with internet access has new Super Powers to help any cause we care about.
Your efforts can help cats many ways – at the sanctuary, on Penang’s streets, and around the world!
Register as a Virtual Volunteer by emailing
or whatsapp the Cat Beach Helpline at +6 017 575 3419.
FUNDRAISING TOOLKIT – Help cats and causes we care about!
Toolkit created by Cat Beach Sanctuary
with special thanks to Ms Yi Hui and AIESEC IN PENANG Virtual Volunteers
What would you like to see made better for the Cat Beach Cats? Some ideas for your page:
→ Feed the Kitties → AdoptaCat Campaign →Emergency Veterinary Care → Veterinary Health Checks and Vaccination
→ Spay/Neuter Operation SnipSnip → Sanctuary Facility Improvements → Rescues → Managed Care for Stray Community Cats
Click on the Toolkit link for a slideshow on ways you can help Cat Beach Sanctuary and other worthy causes for free. With the powers of social media, crowdfunding and outreach – we all can make a real difference for causes we care about!